maandag 30 december 2013


Da fand ich beim Aufräumen doch tatsächlich noch
ein Stückchen Papier für 'ne schnelle Skizze !

zaterdag 10 augustus 2013

the Singlet (17)

Another "Back-side".
Like the fifties/sixties singles (that's before-CD etc. children)  I'll have to decide about A or B-

vrijdag 9 augustus 2013


Skint, so:
working on the back side of other drawings, again

dinsdag 6 augustus 2013

Long Shirt (13)

That's all, folks!
Last sheet of paper.

Short Shirt (12)

...or no Short Shirt

The little girl at the left is, in fact, drawing nr 14

maandag 5 augustus 2013

Pole shirt (11)

(excuse the pun...)

the Shirt (10)

(see previous post below)

zondag 4 augustus 2013

the Shirt (9)

"Preview of coming attractions"

(Grace Kelly in "Rear Window" 1954)

"The knot" is nr 16 in this series

T-shirt (8)

The little workman left is shirt nr 15

vrijdag 2 augustus 2013

the Shirt (7)

More often than not I just want to stop after the graphite-phase. In my heart (and character alas...) I'm very much a black and white man. Not good with colours.

woensdag 31 juli 2013

the Shirt (6)

Intermezzo maschile

Denn jetzt ist eine kurze Pause notwendig.

I'll take a short break now.

maandag 29 juli 2013

the Shirt (5) howitsdun

I want to draw as little as possible, emphasize the shirt, and by doing so suggest as much naked skin as possible.
In the face, I said that before, I think the mouth is the mirror of the soul (not the eyes).

zondag 28 juli 2013

vrijdag 26 juli 2013

the Shirt (3)

For the technically interested:
the lines are pencil 6B,
the shade is graphite and Schmincke pastel,
 brought on with my right little finger
(the others don't work)
on 240 gr Fabriano Accademia

zondag 21 juli 2013

vrijdag 19 juli 2013

the Shirt

Neue Serie, hoffentlich...

maandag 10 juni 2013

Tabu / Taboo

Tabu : Verbot ohne Begründung

Taboo : prohibited without motivation

zondag 10 februari 2013

4 Jahre Blogger

Kinder wie die Zeit vergeht! Heute blogge ich schon vier Jahre - auf vier Blogs.

Denn ich bin nicht nur interessiert in Motorik.

Analoog60: alte Kameras und Photomaterial; mehr darüber auf Flickr photostream erwinruys

Maasproject: Natur, Vögel und Maas;

Destination Irkutsk: denn demnächst weniger Firenze und mehr Baikal.

maandag 7 januari 2013

the Goddess

She has the muscles, the souplesse, the elegance. She is Kristina Dniprenko.

My huge problem: you will never make a drawing better than a perfect model, the drawing can only be worse. But I will try, because I'm a fan...

Scanning the drawings would be much better, but my scanner is too small, so I'm condemned to the strange things the Cybershot Zeiss does, like spherical aberration and central overexposure...