woensdag 31 juli 2013

the Shirt (6)

Intermezzo maschile

Denn jetzt ist eine kurze Pause notwendig.

I'll take a short break now.

maandag 29 juli 2013

the Shirt (5) howitsdun

I want to draw as little as possible, emphasize the shirt, and by doing so suggest as much naked skin as possible.
In the face, I said that before, I think the mouth is the mirror of the soul (not the eyes).

zondag 28 juli 2013

vrijdag 26 juli 2013

the Shirt (3)

For the technically interested:
the lines are pencil 6B,
the shade is graphite and Schmincke pastel,
 brought on with my right little finger
(the others don't work)
on 240 gr Fabriano Accademia

zondag 21 juli 2013

vrijdag 19 juli 2013

the Shirt

Neue Serie, hoffentlich...